Lady Lynx Softball

Lady Lynx Softball
Kanab, Utah

Monday, December 29, 2008

Go See This Movie!

We went to the matinee movie, Marley & Me today and loved it! We laughed and cried more than once. We could certainly relate to this beastly labrador that was such a part of the Grogan family! If you've read the book, it follows it quite well! (That rarely happens!) A great flick for the whole family to see!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why I Believe in Santa!

(First click on "Grown-Up Christmas List" for music, then click on each page for a full size view of our great memories!)
My Dad--The "real" Santa

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas

(Click on collage of pics to view larger)
We were all letting our delicious dinner settle before starting our other traditions. As I walked around the house with camera in hand, I noticed what everyone was doing to pass the time. Whitney-texting Trent, Taylor-drinking a Pepsi, Abby-coloring a picture, Evan-playing golf on the Wii, and I was admiring the warm glow of the house, our beautiful lit tree, Bears painted by Sue several Christmases ago, and stockings hung by the fire with care. I admired the handmade quilt made by mom last Christmas knowing she must spend this Christmas Eve in the hospital after surgery to have her leg pinned from taking a fall while diligently finishing her Visiting Teaching. Then I reminisced of jingle bells and a hearty, "HO! HO! HO!" coming from outside when my dad would arrive after playing Santa all evening during our childhood years and thereafter for the grandkids. No other Santa can compare!

While everyone was else was occupied, I stepped outside to watch the falling snow and reflect on the many blessings in my life and how grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who gave his only begotten Son to atone for our many mistakes, weaknesses, and sins, and gave us the plan of happiness, and the greatest gift of all--that of being able to be forgiven, to know we will be together hereafter with our loved ones, and the key to everlasting joy.

My heart is full of hope for the future, faith that things will always work out, and abundant love for my life, my family, friends, neighbors, and so many people who make my life better just by being in it. The rest of the evening was quiet and peaceful as we carried on the rest of our traditions of reading the Christmas story from the scriptures and opening one gift (pj's) and now waiting for the kids to get to sleep so we can finish up the day.
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

We had a good turn out this morning as my 5th grade class participated in Wreaths Across America locally while our 6th grade students were decorating at Arlington Cemetery. We want to make this an annual tradition. The kids enjoyed placing wreaths on the graves of known Veterans in our community.Later today it began snowing. This is our first snow of the season! By evening, Abby and Pepper were playing in the soft, white snow while Taylor was inside wishing her sore throat would go away!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy 44th Birthday, Evan

Wasn't he the cutest little boy ever? That's the same sweet baby-face with blue eyes that I fell in love with years ago. Never heard him play a guitar, but he has many talents that keep our family going strong! WE LOVE YOU! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO FOR YOUR GIRLS!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things....

Coke...and a smile! Any season--it goes with everything!

Hot cocoa! Warms the hands and the heart on cold winter mornings & nights.

I love eggnog during the holiday season diluted with milk and a sprinkle of nutmeg on top! Mmmmm!

Pero-(my Mormon coffee!) It is one of the calorie-free drinks I love!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Taylor the Teenager

Taylor turned 13 on Sunday, November 23rd. She is officially a "teenager" (although she's acted like one for some time now.) We love to hear her tell stories about middle school. She is playing basketball again, dancing, and such a social bug. Poor thing...she's the "only one" in middle school without a cell phone. Ahhhh! You brighten our lives and entertain us with your stories and laughter! We love you Tay, Tay, Chicka-Pay!

She was a welcome addition to our home after 5 years of trying! Whitney has been a sweet big sister ever since that special Thanksgiving Day. Taylor was born at 11:45 am without interruption to any football games or dinner (just for you, Evan)... except Grandma Ruthie says that's the only time she ever burned her delicious yams because she couldn't stop holding that baby!

Always a cheezer!! You are so beautiful! The best turkey ever!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

7 Random Facts About Me

Sue tagged me. Not sure about this....but I'll do it anyway!
1) I am a little OCD with hand washing.
2) I have a difficult time saying "no".
3) I doodle on paper during meetings or phone calls.
4) I don't focus well, especially when playing games.
5) I can't stand washcloths or towels that smell of mildew!
6) I want to become a published author someday.
7) I like popping my kids' toes.

I pick Kirby, Kristal, Brenda, and Aaron.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Evan's New Ride

2008 Dodge Power Wagon with off-road package. He also has a Rhino to pull behind when he's on "search & rescue" assignments. It must be tough to ride around the hills all day."Twig Pig" is what the other guys are calling him now!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Chicka is going all 80s! She's got the big hair w/side pony tail, beads, leggings, and leg warmers! Can ya believe they're coming back? (I knew I should've saved mine!)
Kramer?! Is that you Kramer?! Oh! It's just Heidi! Wake up, Princess!

Work that up do, Jen! You're almost pretty!

My favorite costumes this year. A member of our bishopric with his wife at the annual school carnival....hilarious!

Retail Therapy in Salt Lake City

It was really tough to spend two days in SLC shopping at the malls, IKEA, Gardner Village, and, oh yeah, attending a conference! Here's a pic of Jen, Heidi, and I enjoying a moment at Historic Gardner Village!

Meet Pepper--New Family Addition

What started out as an investigation by Evan ended with us adopting a new little sister for the girls! Evan came home telling us about these Schipperke (Pronunciation: SKIP-er-kee)puppies he'd seen while covering a call. None of us had ever heard of this breed before. That was followed by an online research, discussing all the pros and cons of getting another dog, a visit to their kennel, a family conference over sodas, another visit to the kennel, and picking up our new dog.
The Schipperke are quick, energetic little dogs. High-spirited, alert, and self-confident. Very devoted and loyal, especially with children. It really bonds to its master. Pet cats will be happily accepted and they are usually good with other dogs. They are very smart, curious and mischievous. These dogs do exceptionally well on boats. Among the Schipperke's best qualities are the ability to defend its home against intruders - backing down from nobody, and being an excellent friend to children.The Schipperke was bred in Flanders by a canal boat captain named Renssens. Thought to be descended from the same sheep-herding stock as the black Belgian Sheepdog, the Schipperke was bred smaller and smaller and eventually became a different breed entirely. It became a favorite choice to guard canal barges in Belgium. The breed was used for herding livestock, hunting game, or simply guarding his domain. In Flemish Schipperke means "Little Skipper", or "Little Captain". This being so, because the dogs were the "ratters", a very important function on a canal barge, and also usually the captain's dog. Hence, the name of the little skipper. The breed became very popular in Belgian households by the late 1800's. It first appeared at a dog show in 1880. From that point on it was exported throughout the world. Today he serves primarily as a companion dog. The Schipperke do very well on boats and people often get this breed to come along with them on boating and fishing trips. It makes a great guard dog when the boat anchors for the night, alerting of anything out of the ordinary and the dog thoroughly enjoys its trip.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Who You Are

I was listening to this song after a very challenging day at school. All you moms out there need to read the lyrics when you are doubting yourselves!Even better. . . go buy the CD at your local Seagull or Deseret Book! You deserve it!

I know you wonder if you'll ever have a day
When the kids stay calm, the laundry's done, and the dishes are put away
And sometimes you feel like your days are spent and gone
And the question running through your mind is what have I gotten done?
And when you finally have a moment to slow down
At the end of your day
I know Father would say:

Believe in what you're doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
Believe in who you're becoming
Believe in who you are

It may seem simple -- all the little things you do
But the lives you touch matter so much
And there's no one else like you
And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful
To be all you can be
Oh, if you could see what He sees, you'd

Believe in what you're doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
Believe in who you're becoming
Belive in who you are

When it's hard to believe in yourself
And you feel like you're beginning to doubt

He believes in what you're doing
He believes in who you are
Don't lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God
That He believes in who you're becoming
He believes in who you are

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trent's Homecoming Game

Trent is a big stud! He plays running back for Lincoln County High School! As of this date, he has broken 1000 yards in rushing this year! They beat West Wendover 74 to 8 for their Homecoming Game. It is not unlike him to score 4-5 touchdowns per game. He gave Whitney a big stinky, sweaty hug after the game and she didn't throw a fit. Whitney was home an extra couple of days this week due to fall break. It was sure fun to have her around a little longer.

Abby - Tetherball Champ

Abby's favorite game these days is tetherball (like in Napolean Dynamite). She goes to school early in the morning so she can play before the bell rings, plays during recess, and is often seen playing until dark each evening after school. On this particular day, she was beating all the 5th grade boys! We've had to limit tetherball to after homework and chores are done or else she doesn't do them! Such a funny girl!(By the way, she chose her own outfit.)

Family Home Evening at the Schimbeck's

Taylor was happy to postpone her FHE lesson to do this activity together. She gets into anything artsy or crafty. Evan cut out the shapes and we all painted, stuffed, and created our yard decorations for the season. It was a lot of fun deciding what to put on the tombstones.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Abby's Homecoming 10 Years Ago!

It was on Columbus Day ten years ago that we finally got to bring Abby home from Primary Children's Medical Center in SLC, UT. She spent her first 114 days of life there after arriving way too early (26 weeks). You would never know she was a preemie today. She has excellent eye sight, very athletic, beautiful, smart, and sweet. We will forever be greatful for the wonderful employees and angels that reside at that facility as well as all the family, friends, and neighbors that fasted, prayed, and helped us in countless ways to endure that time of our lives! WE LOVE YOU ABBY!!

10 Things I Like/Hate About Being 40ish...

1. All my kids are potty-trained and reading well (at the same time sometimes)!
2. My kids can fend for themselves on occasion.
3. I can usually take a nap without interruption.
4. I can embarrass my kids without even trying to.
5. I can say "NO" without guilt and not care what others think of me.
6. I'm okay with Evan cooking meals and decorating the house better than me.
7. I am comfortable with myself whether I'm dressed up or not.
8. I can indulge in things for myself occasionally.
9. I am more patient and flexible.
10. I prioritize my life better than ever!

1. The "battle of the bulge" is more difficult.
2. I hate waxing.
3. I can no longer wear any old pair of shoes without suffering.
4. I can no longer eat anything I want to (without immediate results).
5. I have to act my age and be responsible.
6. I have gray hair popping up everywhere.
7. I have to dress my age or close to it.
8. I say things I never thought I would say. . . "Because I said so!"
9. I have to draw the rest of my eyebrows on.
10. I'm too weak and fat to slolem ski!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Taylor and Jill's Excellent Adventure

The other day Taylor and her friend Jill decided to try a fresh jalapeno. They didn't think it would be hot so they took a big bite right out of it. They ran inside screaming, laughing, and crying! They ate bread and drank water for about an hour. Then their mouths started to quit burning! Abby and I couldn't stop laughing, it was very funny to watch them!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Fall is definitely here! The leaves are turning orange and gold, and we had flurries of snow on Saturday. The temperature is down in the 40's, and we enjoyed our first fire of the season today! As much as I dread summer ending each year, I enjoy all of the seasons. So does Pugs, Abby's cat!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Proud Alumnist!

Evan just taught me another trick for our blog . . . posting logos such as this one! I am so proud of Whitney for being an awesome daughter, friend, sister, and student! Seeing her experience all her "firsts" of college life makes me feel old, yet young, as I reminisce of good times at Dixie! Love you, Whit!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's All About You Cupcake!

Have you ever had Red Velvet Cake? Cupcakes? With cream cheese frosting? This evening when Abby had her usual sweet-tooth craving, I gave the girls a new mix to try. The Harding kids were here to join in the fun of mixing "blood red" batter, and spreading a special green tinted frosting on top! (No wonder the Red Armadillo Groom's Cake was such a hit in the movie "Steel Magnolias". This treat was enjoyed by all, especially Colton!