Last weekend we drove over the mountain down Highway 89 to Kanab, UT. It is so beautiful there with the vermillion cliffs surrounding the area! Abby and her friends played in a softball tournament. They won all of their games until the last one, taking 2nd place again Enterprise. They played with heart and I wonder how they did it in the 106 degree heat! Ugh! I couldn't wait to get back to the Crazy Horse Campground and jump in the pool! It was so refreshing! So this week I have been working on organizing files, bins, my closet, and working on a budget spreadsheet to get us on track and out of debt!!
The Schimmy Shack
"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!"
Lady Lynx Softball

Kanab, Utah
Friday, June 14, 2013
In the Good Ole Summertime
School has been out two weeks and I can't believe what a little rest, relaxation, time to work on projects, time to read, and time to sleep in can make in my life! I have even spent two days at the school organizing my room and making room for 100s of new books! It's like Christmas for me! I love books!! My first week started out with a surprise visit from Whitney and Sue! I was so excited to see them! Sue brought me a new muu-muu with cats all over it. It is pink with pockets and zips up the front! These kind are hard to find, I tell you! I immediately put it on and stayed in it the rest of the day while we visited and laughed together! Evan spoiled us all by making crepes for breakfast, flammkuchen for lunch (German pizza), and Hawaiian burgers for dinner. It was a perfect day! They stayed the night and we had more time the next day to visit. I think gifts of time are my very favorite kind of surprises!!!
Last weekend we drove over the mountain down Highway 89 to Kanab, UT. It is so beautiful there with the vermillion cliffs surrounding the area! Abby and her friends played in a softball tournament. They won all of their games until the last one, taking 2nd place again Enterprise. They played with heart and I wonder how they did it in the 106 degree heat! Ugh! I couldn't wait to get back to the Crazy Horse Campground and jump in the pool! It was so refreshing! So this week I have been working on organizing files, bins, my closet, and working on a budget spreadsheet to get us on track and out of debt!!
Tomorrow we will be swimming at Veyo Pool for a get together with my side of the family. I love going to Veyo, another beautiful setting around a refreshing pool of water. A perfect way to spend a hot summer day! Next week the girls will be at Girls Camp, so I plan on scrapbooking. It has been such a long time since I've done anything with my scrapbooks. Whitney will be coming out for a few days too. Evan has been weeding and adding pretty flowers to our front yard. My favorite flower is the daisy. They are such a simple and happy little flower! I love that he has always kept a variety of flowers in our yard and that they don't die within a few days. We have daisies, petunias, lillies, coreopsis, and more that I have no idea of their names. Anyway, here's a sample:
Last weekend we drove over the mountain down Highway 89 to Kanab, UT. It is so beautiful there with the vermillion cliffs surrounding the area! Abby and her friends played in a softball tournament. They won all of their games until the last one, taking 2nd place again Enterprise. They played with heart and I wonder how they did it in the 106 degree heat! Ugh! I couldn't wait to get back to the Crazy Horse Campground and jump in the pool! It was so refreshing! So this week I have been working on organizing files, bins, my closet, and working on a budget spreadsheet to get us on track and out of debt!!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Natural Man/Woman Tendencies
As I sit here at the keyboard sipping my first ever green smoothie, my "natural man/woman" would much rather be sipping a Coke and biting into a fresh donut! Ugh! This is what I am talking about....and I think some of you know very well what I am talking about today. Mosiah 3:19...a well known scripture in the Book of Mormon that I first learned about in my beloved Seminary days. The thing is, I had no clue what it meant back then when I was so "perfect". LOL!! Fast forward 30 years to the present. This scripture continuously lurks in my mind; it is staulking me!
"For the natural man is an emeny to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."
SUBMISSIVE? I want to call all the shots around here! No one is going to try to control me! (Something my mother taught me at a young age!)
MEEK? I am beyond meek....I am pathetic and weak when challenges overtake me! I want to give up.
HUMBLE? I am beyond humble....I have self-defeating thoughts, behaviors, and mother has told me this since I was young. I am my own worst enemy. I have to pick myself up after brutal beatings often.
PATIENT? Hardly. I used to think of myself as patient, but I am a 2nd grade teacher. I think through the years, certain students have sucked the patience right out of me. The last ounce of it was sucked dry this past school year while attempting to teach one of my own relatives. I am stilll recovering.
FULL OF LOVE? I am full of love for my own immediate family and close friends, however, I have little tolerance for others who neglect their own family and have screwed up priorities. I am becoming jaded by people that I encounter. I don't trust as much. I don't socialize as much. I don't love as much as I once did.
WILLING TO SUBMIT TO THE LORD? I am proud in that I think I can handle whatever comes my way on my own. After turmoil, stress, insomnia, tears, and frustration.....then I turn it over to the Lord. Why not sooner? I don't know. I am proud of being self-driven and independant most of the time. It is extremely humbling to have to ask for help, even to my Father in Heaven. But without a doubt, I know when I finally get to this point, He is always there for me and will get me through whatever it is I am facing.
To further explain:
I'd rather go back to bed, but I need to clean the house!
I'd rather sit and watch a movie, but I need to go exercise!
I'd rather read a good book, but I should be reading more scriptures.
I'd rather write in my journal, blog or go on Pinterest, but I need to pay bills and run errands.
I'd rather stay at home and not work, but I have to work to help provide for my family.
I'd rather live in a warm climate, but this is where our family is and where we have good jobs.
I'd rather wake up skinny, but my clothes continue shrinking in my closet.
I'd rather spend money on fun things like vacations, clothes, and my girls, but I have a mortgage, insurance, vehicles, and utilities to pay instead.
Well.....this natural woman (who is sitting all too natural in my nightgown with no make up, bed head hair-do, cactus legs & pits, Coke-bottle thick glasses on, no bra, and almost done with her green smoothie (which now looks like baby poop) is going to go muster up some energy to get showered and move on with this day. Thanks for stopping by.
"For the natural man is an emeny to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."
SUBMISSIVE? I want to call all the shots around here! No one is going to try to control me! (Something my mother taught me at a young age!)
MEEK? I am beyond meek....I am pathetic and weak when challenges overtake me! I want to give up.
HUMBLE? I am beyond humble....I have self-defeating thoughts, behaviors, and mother has told me this since I was young. I am my own worst enemy. I have to pick myself up after brutal beatings often.
PATIENT? Hardly. I used to think of myself as patient, but I am a 2nd grade teacher. I think through the years, certain students have sucked the patience right out of me. The last ounce of it was sucked dry this past school year while attempting to teach one of my own relatives. I am stilll recovering.
FULL OF LOVE? I am full of love for my own immediate family and close friends, however, I have little tolerance for others who neglect their own family and have screwed up priorities. I am becoming jaded by people that I encounter. I don't trust as much. I don't socialize as much. I don't love as much as I once did.
WILLING TO SUBMIT TO THE LORD? I am proud in that I think I can handle whatever comes my way on my own. After turmoil, stress, insomnia, tears, and frustration.....then I turn it over to the Lord. Why not sooner? I don't know. I am proud of being self-driven and independant most of the time. It is extremely humbling to have to ask for help, even to my Father in Heaven. But without a doubt, I know when I finally get to this point, He is always there for me and will get me through whatever it is I am facing.
To further explain:
I'd rather go back to bed, but I need to clean the house!
I'd rather sit and watch a movie, but I need to go exercise!
I'd rather read a good book, but I should be reading more scriptures.
I'd rather write in my journal, blog or go on Pinterest, but I need to pay bills and run errands.
I'd rather stay at home and not work, but I have to work to help provide for my family.
I'd rather live in a warm climate, but this is where our family is and where we have good jobs.
I'd rather wake up skinny, but my clothes continue shrinking in my closet.
I'd rather spend money on fun things like vacations, clothes, and my girls, but I have a mortgage, insurance, vehicles, and utilities to pay instead.
Well.....this natural woman (who is sitting all too natural in my nightgown with no make up, bed head hair-do, cactus legs & pits, Coke-bottle thick glasses on, no bra, and almost done with her green smoothie (which now looks like baby poop) is going to go muster up some energy to get showered and move on with this day. Thanks for stopping by.
And now you see why this scripture is a blessing and a curse to me right now.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
WOW! Where did 2012 go to? It has been a year since I have blogged. Life got crazy, our computer died, and I kind of lost interest in blogging for a while. I don't know that many people even read my ramblings on besides my sister, Sue, but what the's a new post!!
It is 3:55 am and this is the second time this week that I have had insomnia! Only this time I have not slept even a wink ALL NIGHT!!! Those who know me will understand that I value my sleep very much, even more than food!! This is so annoying since I have to be to work in three hours and there is an inservice today that I cannot miss! My eyes are burning; they are bloodshot and puffy! All my usual strategies have not worked either....prayer, music, writing, oils, melatonin, warm herbal tea, more why not blog while I have this quiet time!? I can't even figure out how to insert a picture here.
It has been an amazing year for the Schimbecks!! Whitney & Trent were married in the St. George Temple and just celebrated their one year anniversary! They are doing well. Whit is teaching at the school I taught at while Trent is attending Dixie State College. Taylor had another successful year in dance, academics, and her Foo-Foo business. She started her first job at the pharmacy this past Fall. She is quite the saver, too!Abby had another successful year in sports; she played basketball, volleyball, and softball. She is such a sporty spice! She is quite the little baker too! All her desserts certainly don't help with our weight issues! Evan is busy with City Council, Beautification Committee, CCW classes, woodworking class, golfing and coaching whenever he can fit it in. As for me, I am trying to keep myself from going completely insane with school and keeping up on the house. Teaching is getting more difficult as the standards continue going up for the teachers while the behavior and family dynamics seem to be declining more each year. It is heartbreaking and very frustrating.
We were able to take the trip of a life time and fly to Germany to visit our Freeman and Hoh families there. We were able to spend two weeks with them and traveled to Munich, Bitche, and Paris. It was a fabulous trip and we are planning to go again in the future! We all had a wonderful time seeing another part of this beautiful planet we live on! Evan and I made it to our 25th Anniversary date! We were able to take another family trip to Disneyland in October making it Trent's first trip! What a blast it was! Christmas came and went way too quickly and here we are halfway through the first month of a new year! I'll post photos when I figure this out. Stay tuned.....
It is 3:55 am and this is the second time this week that I have had insomnia! Only this time I have not slept even a wink ALL NIGHT!!! Those who know me will understand that I value my sleep very much, even more than food!! This is so annoying since I have to be to work in three hours and there is an inservice today that I cannot miss! My eyes are burning; they are bloodshot and puffy! All my usual strategies have not worked either....prayer, music, writing, oils, melatonin, warm herbal tea, more why not blog while I have this quiet time!? I can't even figure out how to insert a picture here.
It has been an amazing year for the Schimbecks!! Whitney & Trent were married in the St. George Temple and just celebrated their one year anniversary! They are doing well. Whit is teaching at the school I taught at while Trent is attending Dixie State College. Taylor had another successful year in dance, academics, and her Foo-Foo business. She started her first job at the pharmacy this past Fall. She is quite the saver, too!Abby had another successful year in sports; she played basketball, volleyball, and softball. She is such a sporty spice! She is quite the little baker too! All her desserts certainly don't help with our weight issues! Evan is busy with City Council, Beautification Committee, CCW classes, woodworking class, golfing and coaching whenever he can fit it in. As for me, I am trying to keep myself from going completely insane with school and keeping up on the house. Teaching is getting more difficult as the standards continue going up for the teachers while the behavior and family dynamics seem to be declining more each year. It is heartbreaking and very frustrating.
We were able to take the trip of a life time and fly to Germany to visit our Freeman and Hoh families there. We were able to spend two weeks with them and traveled to Munich, Bitche, and Paris. It was a fabulous trip and we are planning to go again in the future! We all had a wonderful time seeing another part of this beautiful planet we live on! Evan and I made it to our 25th Anniversary date! We were able to take another family trip to Disneyland in October making it Trent's first trip! What a blast it was! Christmas came and went way too quickly and here we are halfway through the first month of a new year! I'll post photos when I figure this out. Stay tuned.....
Friday, January 20, 2012
The EVENT of the Year
Well, here's the first of many more photographs to come...the best of the photographer's pics. I am so grateful for the many, many talents of others who helped us make Whitney & Trent's wedding everything they hoped it to be.
Whitney & Trent were sealed one week ago, January 13, 2012, in the St. George Temple. What a wonderful wedding it was. Everything went so well. Most of the photographs were actually taken a week before the wedding, on the day she went through for her own endowment. The photographers (Shawn & Sam) had to teach Trent how to make a heart with his hands, but being the quick learner that he is, after a few tries, he perfected this heart making this shot one of the favorites.
The beautiful winter white gown was designed by Whitney and sewn by Gma Schimmy. It was so simply elegant and petite, fitting Whitney perfectly from top to bottom. The satin lacing in the back gave it an old-fashioned look. Not a prettier dress could be found anywhere! What an honor to have such a beautiful creation to wear on one of the most important days of your life! She looked like a princess bride in it!

Whitney & Trent were sealed one week ago, January 13, 2012, in the St. George Temple. What a wonderful wedding it was. Everything went so well. Most of the photographs were actually taken a week before the wedding, on the day she went through for her own endowment. The photographers (Shawn & Sam) had to teach Trent how to make a heart with his hands, but being the quick learner that he is, after a few tries, he perfected this heart making this shot one of the favorites.
The beautiful winter white gown was designed by Whitney and sewn by Gma Schimmy. It was so simply elegant and petite, fitting Whitney perfectly from top to bottom. The satin lacing in the back gave it an old-fashioned look. Not a prettier dress could be found anywhere! What an honor to have such a beautiful creation to wear on one of the most important days of your life! She looked like a princess bride in it!
I call this photo the "here's the deal" ... as I imagine Whitney is telling him how things are going to be...among many more sweet words of the day. I like the agreeable look on Trent's handsome face, too!
Very creative using Whitney's shoes (more like princess slippers) and their wedding rings. Love it! Whitney had Trent's band engraved with p.s. i love you on the inside.
I adore this one. Trent kissing her freezing cold cheek. They look so totally and completely in love here. They were so cold and were more than happy to huddle up in this window sill and cuddle closer!
You can see the multiple layers of tulle and netting that make her gown poof out like a princess dress. It was so pretty, adorned with an antique brouch from Aunt Sue's vintage estate collections! They are a good-looking couple!

I couldn't get this picture to turn, but so amazing with the temple as the background, Trent so gracefully dipping her and Whitney trusting that he won't let her slip! It was comical to watch their attempts in perfecting this shot in the cold air with the wind kicking up more swiftly by the second and the flexible photographer lying on the cold cement sidewalk to get the perfect shot! Turned out lovely!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Mother of the Bride Survival Tips
I can hardly believe in less than 48 hours my daughter will be a married woman. I am so completely happy and excited for her and Trent, I could burst! I have also felt so very sentimental, emotional, and stressed, that I have already burst a time or two...or three or four. (Idk...I lost count). I had no idea such emotions could utterly disrupt my life, but they sure did this last week!

Finally. . . the number one person who helped me pull myself together was. . . the man upstairs!! Yep, that's right, my Father in Heaven or should I say my Fathers in Heaven! On my knees, praying, pleading, crying for solace. Waiting, thinking, planning, praying, waiting, thinking, praying.
Finally, on the way to St. George, prior to going to the temple with Whitney for the first time, the calmest feeling of peace and happiness came to me. Wow...there are no adequate words to explain what a blessing answered prayers can be! I am so thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who knows me, loves me, and is ALWAYS there for me no matter the challenge, ailment, or occasion. Thank heavens! Ahhhhh! Stay posts to come later!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Trent and Whitney Engaged!
Yes, it's true! Our first daughter to be engaged and married in January! It makes me realize how swiftly time flies, and how it seems like yesterday we were sending her off to college. It's almost like a fairytale romance in that they dated, she waited, they wrote, and they just picked right back up where they left off! Only this time to get reacquainted with a more mature, wiser,spiritual, and confident friend! Lisa and I both got up early the morning after the first snowfall (6:30 am) to follow them around as they had their engagement pictures taken. It was a cold and fun experience for us. I really like this one below; it shows their true colors!
Aren't they adorable? Trent with his dark eyes and bright smile. Whitney with her dark eyes and smile. Both with that twinkle of romance sparkling on their face (or was it frost?) We are all so excited for them. Trent is a wonderful guy with an awesome, fun-loving family. Our holidays will be spent thinking and planning for the big event in January! Congratulations Trent and Whitney! We LOVE you!!
Aren't they adorable? Trent with his dark eyes and bright smile. Whitney with her dark eyes and smile. Both with that twinkle of romance sparkling on their face (or was it frost?) We are all so excited for them. Trent is a wonderful guy with an awesome, fun-loving family. Our holidays will be spent thinking and planning for the big event in January! Congratulations Trent and Whitney! We LOVE you!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Our Mighty Hunter
One tank of gas; one early morning. One bag of snacks; one cooler full of Pepsi. One excited girl; one single shot. One proud daddy; one awesome daddy-daughter date. Another great memory = Priceless!
Chicka's deer shot in Area 22. Evan and Taylor left at 4 am and were calling us by 8 o'clock to join them for breakfast to tell their deer story. She doesn't waste any time!
Evan was shaking with excitement. Made it difficult to hold the camera still!
This is my favorite picture. Evan told Chicka to atleast "try" to drag the deer to the truck. Can't you just hear her giggling through the whines of difficulty?!
Grinning ear to ear. (I'm sure Evan was too!) She told her sisters she was glad her hair was still curled from the previous night's dance performance so she looked good for this photo! Gpa & Gma Schimmy had stayed the night after watching the football game and dancers perform, so we all enjoyed visiting and hearing of their hunting adventure over breakfast at the Brandin' Iron.We're going to have some good meat for this winter!
Monday, September 26, 2011
From the moment my alarm goes off in the mornings until I reset it at night, I often feel that I am a slave to time. I am challenged by it in all that I do!! Manage on more time...make time....don't waste time...time heals...give it you have'll only take a minute...schedule it time....invest your time...give me more time...time's up! We're each allotted the exact time as anyone else and yet we each spend our 24 hrs so differently. I waste plenty of time each week. I often cram too many things into a typical day. I don't always make the best use of my time either. There is one thing I know for sure, it is that for every sacrifice of time I've made for my family, it has been the most important thing I could do at that moment in time. Oh yes, there have been many times when I would have loved to do something else of my own choosing, but didn't. The investments I make in my family are the best ones, no doubt.
There have been many moments in my life that I wished for time to stand still. Then there are times I have wished to go back in time or to step into the future. Sometimes it is truly a struggle to live in the present; to be completely present both mentally and physically and enjoy each and every minute of each day. There is great wisdom in the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
I have enjoyed each season of my life, and I am enjoying the present one. I sometimes wish for the days when my girls were little. They seemed to need me more and were easier to please, yet I am proud of their independance and the good choices they make. I long for the days when my dad was still with us and yet I look to the future when we'll be reunited. I calendar in weekends, holidays, summers, and special events to keep looking forward to certain times. It helps me stay focused on the present until it is time for quality time with family and friends. There are many hobbies, interests, and talents I'd like to pursue someday....but for now, I'm going to enjoy this season of my life and make the most of it with no regrets! Family---it's about time!!
There have been many moments in my life that I wished for time to stand still. Then there are times I have wished to go back in time or to step into the future. Sometimes it is truly a struggle to live in the present; to be completely present both mentally and physically and enjoy each and every minute of each day. There is great wisdom in the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
I have enjoyed each season of my life, and I am enjoying the present one. I sometimes wish for the days when my girls were little. They seemed to need me more and were easier to please, yet I am proud of their independance and the good choices they make. I long for the days when my dad was still with us and yet I look to the future when we'll be reunited. I calendar in weekends, holidays, summers, and special events to keep looking forward to certain times. It helps me stay focused on the present until it is time for quality time with family and friends. There are many hobbies, interests, and talents I'd like to pursue someday....but for now, I'm going to enjoy this season of my life and make the most of it with no regrets! Family---it's about time!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
To celebrate our 24th anniversary, we went to Zion. During our dating years, we would go to Zion frequently to eat, watch concerts at the amphitheatre, and hike or drive around the area. We were able to enjoy some of those same things again. I am always amazed how beautiful that canyon is; everywhere you look there is something amazing to see.
Really, I could just live next door and walk to and from work. After school I could sip lemonade on my porch and read a good book!
Here's Evan (who by the way, HATES to have his picture taken) looking quite intellectual in his first pair of reading glasses! How lucky is he that he's had perfect vision until recently?! Not one of our girls has been blessed with his eye site! He's going to be mad that I posted this picture, but doesn't he look handsome and smart?!?
The cemetery always sheds light on reality as well. This family all died from diptheria, indian attacks, or tragic accidents on the farm or otherwise. Two little girls (best friends) died when the swing they were on collapsed crushing them both. So sad.
We also drove to the Ghost Town of Grafton, UT. It has been years since we've been there. The one-room schoolhouse is always my favorite. Looking in I can imagine the fun it would have been teaching in it. With varying levels in all areas, in many ways the classrooms of today aren't so different. I think the students would have been better behaved then, because they viewed education as a privilege and the parents didn't think twice about disciplining them with a switch when they misbehaved or were disrespectful!
Really, I could just live next door and walk to and from work. After school I could sip lemonade on my porch and read a good book!
Here's Evan (who by the way, HATES to have his picture taken) looking quite intellectual in his first pair of reading glasses! How lucky is he that he's had perfect vision until recently?! Not one of our girls has been blessed with his eye site! He's going to be mad that I posted this picture, but doesn't he look handsome and smart?!?
And being the smart one that he is, he ruined my little fantasy by reminding me of the realities of living in that time period. Rattlesnakes, angry Indians, hard labor, isolation from others, no a/c or heating systems, very little pay, and harsh living conditions. perhaps I'll just enjoy imagining life back then.
The cemetery always sheds light on reality as well. This family all died from diptheria, indian attacks, or tragic accidents on the farm or otherwise. Two little girls (best friends) died when the swing they were on collapsed crushing them both. So sad.
If only the massive trees and abandoned building could tell the other stories left untold. Such obedient and stalwart pioneers were they that were sent to settle small places like Grafton. It was a hot and dusty day, but it always make me grateful for them and also to live with the modern conveniences of our day. I hope to sit down in Heaven with them one day and hear their stories.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Abby and Chicka. First day of school looking adorable.
Abby age 13 - 8th grade Taylor age 15 - 10th grade
(Notice that Abby has caught up with Taylor in height!) he he Chicka informed us this summer that she wants to be voted as "BEST DRESSED" in school her Senior Year! Ha ha! We suggested she aim for something like Honor Roll, Scholarships, Valedictorian or something along those lines instead. She said she is, but that being best dressed would be great too! She cracks us up!
Well, I may be just the old-fashioned, out of fashion, weird, crazy, out of sorts mother of these adorable teenagers, but I think they are THE cutest girls in school today....inside AND out! And that's what matters!
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